Azhimala Siva Temple ആഴിമല ശ്രീ മഹാദേവ ക്ഷേത്രം

Udayasthamaya Pooja
The Udaya Asthamana Pooja is supposed to be the most coveted and dearest of all poojas and is the most popular offering involving special poojas and vilakku (illuminations). ‘Udaya Asthamana’ literally means from sunrise to sunset. Hence it implies worship from sunrise to sunset. Normally there are three Poojas in a day – Usha pooja, Ucha pooja and Athazha pooja.
Udayasthamaya literally translates to sunrise to sunset. This festival is awaited by the locals and the passionate Shiva devotees for months. The celebration goes on for the entire day and is divided into three poojas- Usha Pooja, Ucha Pooja and Athaza Pooja. The entire area is illuminated with oil lamps and twinkling lamps which is an absolute delight look at.
Cost: INR 5001
Pradhosha Pooja
Pradosham literally means the removal of sins. These times are the windows of opportunity to remove karma or karmic energies that limit our potential in this current life. Pradosham, which is the thirteenth phase of the dark or bright moon, is the time designated for Lord Shiva to remove the bad karma of people. There are two Pradosham days in a month. There is only one temple where this daily Pradosham is very effective because of its association with Nandi, the bull of Lord Shiva. The bull was sent to the earth plane to initiate the daily removal of sins at the temple called Koyampet near Chennai. Participants of the daily karma removal program will have an archana ceremony done for them on daily basis during the Pradosham time (sunset).
All Pradoshams occur between 1-1/2 hours before and right up until the moment of sunset in the time zone where you are living physically.
A Pradosham period is considered to be very auspicious. The name Pradosh indicates the twilight period, that is, the period just before sunset and immediately after sunset. We can pray to God by performing abhishekam. Milk gives long life. Ghee gives moksha. Sandal gives Lakshmi’s grace and there are lots more. Generally, the twilight period is aound 1.5 hours before sunset i.e from 4.30 P.M to 6.00 P.M. During this period, the devotees are aware that Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are at their best cheerful mood. Anyone asking for blessings and offerings are highly blessed by the couple during the Pradosham period.
These Pradoshams occur twice each month – on the 13th (Trayodashi) moon day after the New Moon and after the Full Moon.
Pradosha vrata is a vrata (Fast) of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. The Pradosha worship is done in the evening twilight on the Trayodashi of both lunar fortnights (Shukla and Krishna Paksha). These are the 13th tithi, or lunar days, from the New Moon (Amavasya) and Full Moon (Purnima).
The Pradosham Pooja is essentially a pooja conducted to attain freedom from one’s sins. This pooja is conducted approximately 1.5 hours before sunset, the twilight period; this is because Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are believed to be in their best moods during this period. The Pradoshamas are conducted twice a month- 13th day after the New Moon and after the Full Moon.
They say that the Pradosham Pooja is most effective at the Aazhimala Siva Temple, and this is because Nandi, Shiva’s own guardian deity, was sent on earth at this temple to conduct this sin cleansing process. A proper Abhishekam is performed with milk (gives a long life), ghee (gives Moksha) and Sandalwood (gives Goddess Lakshmi’s generous grace) and is performed between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM.
Cost: INR 3001

Uma Maheshwari Pooja
Uma Maheshwari Puja is for long and happy married life. Uma (Goddess Parvathi the wife of Lord Shiva) and Lord Shiva Puja is performed as they are considered to be the perfect match i.e. Shiv and Shakti. This Puja is considered to be best for marital happiness. If there is any discord in the relationship, all are resolved. One should conduct this Puja at least once in a year for a happy married life.
Uma Maheshwari pooja is conducted by the priests for couples who pray for a long and happy married life. Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva are considered the best pair- Shiv and Shakti. This pooja has the power to resolve any differences that a couple may be facing in their married lives forever and must be conducted at least once a year by them.
Cost: INR 1501
Divasa Pooja
Divasa Poojas are conducted at the Aazhimala Siva Temple with and without Muzhukappu. This pooja is conducted throughout the day and is performed for the general well being of the devotee. This pooja creates positive vibrations inside the devotee and ensures a soul and body cleanse, such that the devotee is found at his best mental, physical and emotional health.
Cost (with Muzhukappu): INR 2001
Cost (without Muzhukappu): INR 1501
There are many other simple poojas, nivedams abhishekams and archanas conducted at the Aazhimala Siva Temple by experienced and educated priests on a daily basis. These costs of these poojas range between INR 5 and INR 1500.

Special Poojas
Udayasthamaya Pooja | INR 5001 |
Pradhosha Pooja | INR 3001 |
Divasa Pooja (Muzhukappu including) | INR 2001 |
Divasa Pooja | INR 1501 |
Umamaheshwara Pooja | INR 1501 |
Shanghabhishekam | INR 51 |
Vahana Pooja | INR 100 |
Chooroonu | INR 100 |
Vidhyarambham | INR 100 |
Thali Pooja | INR 100 |
Thulabharam | INR 100 |
Payasam Vaikittu | INR 100 |
Koovalathile Ashtotharchana | INR 101 |
Rudhrabhishekam | INR 101 |
Kootu Mrithyunjaya Homam | INR 150 |
Paal Paayasam | INR 150 |
Thilaka Homam | INR 151 |
Ganapathi Homam | INR 151 |
Aayilya Pooja | INR 200 |
Mrithyunjaya Homam | INR 350 |
Naagaroottu | INR 501 |
Maha Sudharshana Homam | INR 501 |
Muzhukappu | INR 750 |
Mandala Chirappu Pooja | INR 1500 |
Prabha Vilakku,Ney Vilakku | INR 5 |
Narenga Vilakku | INR 5 |
Archana | INR 10 |
Karikku Japam | INR 10 |
Maalayidal | INR 10 |
Nadaykku Veppu | INR 10 |
Thattam Nivedyam | INR 10 |
Bhasmam Idal | INR 10 |
Thilakaarchana | INR 20 |
Aishwarya Pooja | INR 20 |
Mrithyunjayarchana | INR 20 |
Nool Japam | INR 20 |
Purushotamarchana | INR 20 |
Bhagya Sooktham | INR 20 |
Santhana Saubhagya Archana | INR 20 |
Kumkumaarchana | INR 20 |
Pushpabhishekam | INR 20 |
Thamboola Prashnam | INR 20 |
Vidhyasooktharchana | INR 20 |
shathru samharaarchana | INR 20 |
Swayamvaraarchana | INR 20 |
Dhara | INR 21 |
Eelasu Pooja | INR 25 |
Noorum Paalum | INR 25 |
Pradhosha Vritham | INR 25 |
Chavi Pooja | INR 25 |
Neeranjanam | INR 25 |
Koovalathile Archana | INR 25 |
Naamakaranam | INR 50 |
Pidippanam | INR 50 |
Note : Timing & INR Not Update Latest